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Welcome to African Virologists Network
The African Virologists Network (AVN) was established in 2019 with the aim of bringing together all concerned African virologists on the continent and beyond to advance the field of Virology. We are committed to growing and supporting a diverse and inclusive community of African virologists, promoting research and education on viruses, and fostering engagement and open communication of discoveries. Brief History of African Virologists Network (AVN) Several…
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To develop and promote activities and programmes for continuous academic and scientific development of African Virologists.
Help & Support
Why Join African Virologists Network
Our Executive Committee Members

Our Mision
To advance the development and effective scholarly communication of all disciplines in Virology and to address African and global issues.
Help & Support

Individual Advancement Fund
The Open Society Fellowship Advancement Fund is a new funding opportunity for all past U.S. fellows to advance, elevate, or expand their ongoing work.

Soros Equality Funding
The Puerto Rico Youth Fellowships will support activists, aged 21 to 35, who want to implement a project that advances decolonization and climate justice in Puerto Rico.